Here is a link to the DfE comparison site for schools. There is a detailed breakdown of our school's data for 2023 at the bottom of this page.
Prior to this year, the last set of externally validated data was from the academic year 2018-2019. This data will not be considered as comparable data for this year, due to the amount of time lapsed because of the Global Pandemic.
You can access our 2018-2019 data here
Scroll to the bottom to access current data for 2023.
In Autumn 2021, our children in Year 2 took a Phonics Screening Check, which usually takes place at the end of Year 1. Our children were superstars and 71% of our children scored highly enough to reach the expected standard. Those who needed additional time to reach this standard, will take the screening check again in the summer term 2022.
The link on the right of the page will take you to the government website for comparing school performance.