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Throughout their time at Broad Square Primary School we will help the children to acquire and develop the skills and knowledge to allow them to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing, and to read for meaning and enjoyment.  While the work in English will be based on the 2014 National Curriculum, the children will develop and practise their skills and knowledge in all areas of the curriculum and in role-play and drama.  We have developed our central library facilities where children are able to borrow books to read at home or help with research for topic work. All our children have the opportunity to bring home suitable books to read at home.

Wherever possible we reinforce the knowledge and skills taught in the core subjects of English and Mathematics by allowing children to apply them in a variety of contexts.

Reading and Phonics

Phonics and Reading is paramount at Broad Square Primary School. We believe that Reading is Power! If children cannot read, it is challenging for them to be successful in all other areas of the curriculum.

Here at Broad Square, we are committed to teaching our pupils to read. We feel it is our moral duty to help our children develop a love of literature. We have developed our BROAD reading curriculum where we aim to ensure that reading is central to everything we do at our school. 

B- become life-long readers
R – recommend reading material
0 – on a journey to becoming ‘expert readers’
A – automaticity, fluency, prosody and comprehension 
D – diverse range of authors and texts

10 Benefits of Reading

 Children who read often and widely get better at it.

 After all, practice makes perfect in almost everything humans do, and reading in no different.

Reading exercises our brain.

Reading is a much more complex task for the human brain rather than watching television, for example. Reading strengthens brains connections and builds NEW connections.

Reading improves concentration.

Children have to sit still and quietly so that they can focus on the story when they are reading. If they read often, they will develop the skill to do this for longer.

Reading teaches children about the world around them.

Through reading a variety of books children learn about people, places, and events outside of their own experience.

Reading improves vocabulary and language skills.

Children learn new words as they read. Subconsciously, they absorb information on how to structure sentences and how to use words and other language features effectively in their writing and speaking.

Reading develops a child's imagination.

 As we read our brains translate the descriptions we read of people, places and things into pictures. While we are engaged in a story we are also imagining how a character is feeling. Young children then bring this knowledge into their everyday play.

Reading helps children to develop empathy.

As children develop they begin to imagine how they would feel in that situation.

Reading is a fun.

A book or an e-reader doesn't take up much space and is light to carry, so you take it anywhere so you can never be bored if you have a book in your bag.

Reading is a great way to spend time together.

Reading together on the sofa, bedtimes stories and visiting the library are just some ways of spending time together.

Children who read achieve better in school.

Reading promotes achievement in all subjects, not just English. Children who are good readers tend to achieve better across the curriculum. 


At Broad Square Primary School we are passionate about ensuring all children become confident and enthusiastic readers and writers. We believe that phonics provides the foundations of learning to make the development into fluent reading and writing easier. We also value and encourage the pupils to read for enjoyment and recognise that this starts with the foundations of acquiring letter sounds, segmenting and blending skills. Through phonics children learn to segment words to support their spelling ability and blend sounds to read words. The teaching of phonics is of high priority.

At Broad Square Primary School, we use the Monster Phonics programme. Monster Phonics categorises sounds into 10 areas and uses the Monsters as a categorisation. Each monster has a different colour. Each colour represents that way of spelling the sound. Through this phonics teaching the children are taught the essential skills needed for reading. Phonics is taught daily to all children in Foundation Stage, and KS1. Extra support is provided to those in Year 2 who have not passed phonics screening in Year 1 and interventions are planned for those children who are working below expected levels. Staff systematically teach learners the relationship between sounds and the written spelling patterns, or graphemes, which represent them. Phonics is delivered in groups based on the stage the children are currently working at, children work through the different stages and as they grow in confidence and experience, they are introduced to alternative ways of representing the same sound as planned in the Monster Phonics programme.

Pupils also have daily reading practice sessions using the Monster Phonics decodable books with an adult to ensure the pupils are regularly practising and applying their phonics knowledge. In the EYFS the continuous provision matches the pupil’s current knowledge and understanding whilst ensuring the children are suitable challenged. Teachers regularly assess the pupil’s phonics knowledge using the phonics assessment, Phonics Tracker, reading milestones and Reading Early Learning Goal (in EYFS). These regular assessments inform planning and allow teachers to identify any gaps in learning. The children have phonetically decodable reading books from the Monster Phonics programme which they are encouraged to read regularly at home which match their current phonics level.

As an inclusive school, we strive to ensure that all pupils are able to access a broad and balanced Phonics curriculum offer. Pupils with SEND are supported within lessons to ensure that a ceiling is not put on their learning. This is achieved through regular retrieval activities, over learning of vocabulary and different ways of recording evidence of learning. Where adaptations are necessary, these are planned carefully by the teacher to ensure that each pupil has rigour within their curriculum.

Through the teaching of phonics, our aim is for children to become fluent readers by the end of Key Stage One. This way, children can focus on developing their fluency and comprehension as they move through the school. Attainment in reading is measured using the statutory assessments at the end of Key Stage One and Two. These results are measured against the reading attainment of children nationally. Attainment in phonics is measured by the Phonics Screening Test at the end of Year 1. However, we firmly believe that reading is the key to all learning and so the impact of our reading curriculum. 

Further information about why the program is so engaging for our children here:

Please click the link to find out more information about our Monster Phonics scheme:

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Reading Schemes

To support our phonics and early reading in EYFS and KS1 we solely use the Monster phonics reading books. Books are carefully matched to the sounds the children have been learning in school so the children can decode using their phonics knowledge they have been taught in the classroom - this is vital to developing their self-belief and self-esteem. In some instances, phonics teaching along with reading practice sessions using Monster Phonics books can be continued for any pupils who need to access intervention in Y3 and 4.  We are committed to giving our pupils the best possible chance to learn to read and ensure that children take an active part in daily reading practise sessions in KS1 ensuring that children have repeated practice and learn to become confident, successful readers.

The main reading schemes in KS2 are Oxford Reading Tree, Collins Big-Cat and Project X.  Parents are encouraged to listen to their children read at home and to talk about books/read stories to their children. In upper KS2 we develop pupils' independence by allowing them to read independently and make comments in their reading records.  

As children move through school they become more familiar with a wide range of text types and develop higher order reading skills further and a love of reading. It is our aim that our children develop a positive relationship with reading and that they can begin to select from a wide range of reading material from which they choose.

We also insist that children visit our school libraries regularly to discuss and select books to read for pleasure. 

Whole Class Reading Lessons 

Our school devotes 30 minutes per day on a whole class reading lessons. In EYFS and KS1 children explore quality books and texts, using book talk, drama and role play. They take part in teacher-led discussions around books. 

From Year 3 onwards, children will focus on carefully planned extracts from a range of genres. Our reading curriculum is currently being built to ensure that our children develop a love of reading and become life-long readers.  Each lesson children will learn new vocabulary, retrieve and infer information from the text along with personal responses to the text. This has been a highly focused and effective method of teaching fluency and comprehension. It enables all children to access a wide range of vocabulary and it helps children to make connections with other areas of learning.

This approach is beneficial as it progressively teaches children how to use all the key reading skills every day based around a wealth of quality texts. 

Our reading curriculum aims to help our children become confident and competent readers who have a wealth of understanding around literature and a love of reading. 

Reading for Pleasure

All classes have reading areas that are well stocked with quality books from across the genre range.

Each day, the children will hear their class teacher reading for at least 10 minutes from their class novel/text, as all teachers have made a ‘Reading Pledge’ to ensure that this precious time is built in daily as far as possible. We will use this novel for some lessons during whole class reading to ensure the children can discuss characters and themes in depth. By discussing this text the children will become proficient in predicting and summarising.

Pupils have access to the school library where there are a variety of books to choose from and Kindles as an option.   Electronic copies of ‘Picture News’ are sent to parents each week to share with their children.


The school offers reading intervention for pupils who are not making expected progress or who find reading difficult. The main forms of reading intervention are: small group speed sound sessions based on Monster Phonics, targeted small group reading practice sessions and pre-reading Reading texts to become experts. 

Reading and phonics cafes and open mornings are planned in throughout the year to show parents and carers how we teach reading and phonics. These events aim to provide parents with practical ways in which they can support their children too.

As an inclusive school, we strive to ensure that all pupils are able to access a broad and balanced English curriculum offer. Pupils with SEND are supported within lessons to ensure that a ceiling is not put on their learning. This is achieved through regular retrieval activities, over learning of vocabulary and different ways of recording evidence of learning. Where adaptations are necessary, these are planned carefully by the teacher to ensure that each pupil has rigour within their curriculum.  



Our scheme of work is ‘Ready Steady Write’ which has been introduced across school from Reception to Year 6. The scheme is evidence-based teaching of writing which empowers teachers to provide quality teaching of writing through high-quality literature. The detailed units of work centre on engaging, vocabulary rich texts, with a wealth of writing opportunities within and across the curriculum. In our Nursery children develop an understanding of the world through oracy, moving on to mark-making in order to progress to initial letter formation.


Opportunities for spelling, punctuation and grammar are woven throughout the scheme and taught in context. In addition to this, we explicitly teach spelling through the 'Ready Steady Spell' scheme of work which links to our English curriculum. Children will practice their basic skills in English through grammar activities and 'Sentence Accuracy' activities. The English scheme is adapted to ensure the inclusion of all children, ensuring that every child is involved in quality first teaching.

The units have been carefully mapped out so the entire statutory curriculum for English is covered. There are also opportunities for cross-curricular links and experiences to enhance and enrich the curriculum. 

We promote creativity and writing for pleasure through Free Writing Friday opportunities. 


The effective teaching of Writing, Spelling, Grammar and Handwriting at Broad Square Primary will provide children the following outcomes:

• They will acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for writing and spoken language at the appropriate level.

• They will write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences at the appropriate level.

• They will develop a good stamina for writing.

 • They will use discussions in order to learn; they should be able to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas.

• Writing is clear and legible with evidence of a cursive style by the end of Key Stage 2.

Contact us

  • Broad Square Primary School
    Broad Square
    L11 1BS

  • 0151 226 1117